Sunday, May 30, 2010

Field Day

Its so hard to believe that the school year is almost over! When Field Day comes that signals that the end of the year is near.
We had a super, fun day! Here are some pictures from our day.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Vocabulary Parade

Anderson had its 1st Vocabulary Parade on Friday. Each student and teacher were to dress as their favorite vocabulary word. We all paraded around the school. It was a lot of fun seeing what each word looked like.

Here are the 3rd grade teachers:
Ms. Cone- "hibernation", Ms. Theilen- "camouflage", Ms. Wanasek- "elderly", Ms. Percle- "flood", Ms. McCoy- "monocot", Ms. Zadina- "childhood"

I chose one of our science vocabulary words.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Rough Rider's

We had a great time on our Field Trip to the Rough Rider's Stadium. We learned some interesting things about the stadium while we were there!

"My favorite part was when we got to walk on the track to the dugout and we got to sit where the players sit! -says Michele. :)

"My favorite part was the dugout, because the players sit there!" -says Sam.

"I liked the bullpen because that's where the pitchers warm up!" -said Romo.

Did you know that Daisy and Deuce live under the pitchers mound? If you haven't ever been there, we highly recommend going.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ha ha!

This is pretty funny, for all of you Diary of a Wimpy Kid fans out there!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Field Trip!

A mistake was made, and our Rough Rider's field trip has been changed to Monday May 10th.
The Rough Riders will actually be playing a game the original day that we were schedule and although that would be fun, we can't go on that day. So we did the next best thing and changed it to Monday. Even more good news, your child will be getting a refund of the $2, so we get to go for free!
Thank you for your understanding.